Chapali Height

Chapali Height is a 2012 Nepali thriller film featuring Amir Gautam, Raj Ghimire and Binita Baral. It was shot in the Chapali Height area in Kathmandu.

Chapali Height is a story of Amir Amir Gautam, Bineeta Binita Baral and Raj Raj Ghimire. Amir and Bineeta come from Pokhara to live in Rajs house at Chapali Height where he is living alone. Once they do, the relationship between Amir and Bineeta sours and an accident occurs.Amir starts thinking that Binee Binita Baral is attracted towards Raj. An incident happens where Binee encourages Raj who has no prior relationship with her to imagine her as his beloved and kiss her. Amir witnesses this scene, gets angry, and leaves. Binee, understanding that Amir is angry with her, follows her. Amir says that he is fed up with Binee for almost kissing Raj. Binee, in return, says that she was just roleplaying kissing Raj. Amir leaves Binee in the night in Rajs house and vows never to return. ........

Source: Wikipedia